Patirkite tik Jums sukurto dizaino magiją
Pasirinkite paketą, atitinkantį jūsų interjero dizaino poreikius
Aukštos kokybės dizainas, nebrangūs paketai: Sveiki atvykę į „Homilo“
Po 1 valandos konsultacijos gausite Jums sukurtą 2D dizainą, baldų pirkinių sąrašą ir galimybę projektą koreguoti iki 2 kartų.
Po 1 valandos konsultacijos gausite tik Jums sukurtą 3D dizainą, baldų pirkinių sąrašą bei galimybę projektą koreguoti iki 3 kartų.
Įeina viskas, kas yra „Standartiniame“ pakete + papildoma korekcija, apsilankymas Jūsų namuose, gyvam vertinimui bei konsultacija.
Kodėl Homilo?
Tarptautinę patirtį turintys dizaineriai sukurs kiekvieną dizainą jūsų namams.
Homilo sprendimai yra ekonomiški. Puikus interjero dizainas turi būti prieinamas.
Projektus pristatome taupydami laiką. Jei norite greito rezultato, būsime greiti.
Kiekvienam dizainui suteikiama Kliento Pasitenkinimo Garantija. Kokybė ir klientų pasitenkinimas yra mūsų galutinis tikslas.
Funkcinis zonavimo ir baldų išdėstymo planas
Apšvietimo planai
Lubų planai
Santechnikos planai
Sienų spalvų parinkimas
Apdailos medžiagų (grindų, plytelių) parinkimas
Durų ir grindjuosčių parinkimas
Santechnikos parinkimas
Virtuvės baldų projektavimas
Vonios baldų projektavimas
Visų nestandartinių baldų projektavimas
Užuolaidų, kilimų parinkimas
Paveikslų, tekstilės ir kitų interjero detalių parinkimas
Laiptų projektas
Židinio projektas
Dizainerio atvykimas į namus
Interjero projekto įgyvendinimo priežiūra
14 dienų
2 valandos
21 diena
4 valandos
30 dienų
6 valandos
Pasirinktinai *
* vieno apsilankymo kaina 50 Eur/h Vilniaus mieste
Įeina į visus planus
interjero dizaino idėjomis
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.
Select the room you’d like to furnish. If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration and would like to find products from it then connect your Pinterest board to get started. If not, you can get started by browsing our curated design sets that feature furniture and decor pairings that work well together both functionally and aesthetically. Select a design set that best suits your need to get started.